The EHSLC was formed in April 1992 following discussion between the Stewards of France, Britain and Ireland on the need for greater harmonisation in technical areas and their wish to encourage co-operation in research so as to face successfully future challenges concerning the illegal use of prohibited substances in racing.

Subsequently the racing authorities of Germany and Italy joined the EHSLC, and more recently the Scandinavian countries joined as a single group.

EHSLC was formally incorporated as an independent organisation in 2008.

As racing becomes ever more international, the Committee has extended a welcome, as observers, to other racing authorities within Europe via the EMHF and further afield.


To provide advice to the Racing Authorities of the member countries on policy, scientific and procedural matters concerning the Rules of Racing as they relate to prohibited substances.

To recommend alterations to the Rules of Racing as they relate to prohibited substances.

To recommend common policies and procedures where appropriate in the areas of sample collection, sample testing (including confirmatory analysis) and prohibited substances, and to monitor compliance by the member countries with these policies and procedures.

To agree whether specified drugs fall within the List of Prohibited Substances.

To recommend the need, where appropriate, for new or varied threshold levels, for inclusion in the Rules of Racing.

To promote liaison and discussion between the official racing laboratories and the official racing veterinary surgeons of the member countries.

To promote inter – laboratory drug testing programmes, and to monitor the results vis-à-vis the official racing laboratories of the member countries.

To agree research priorities and to promote joint approaches, where appropriate, for their achievement.

To publish detection periods, agreed jointly between the official racing laboratories and other interested parties in the member countries, for therapeutic drugs commonly used in the horse.

To exchange drug intelligence and other relevant information between the member countries.

To represent the Committee’s views, as appropriate, to other international forums in the field of doping control, to promote international agreement on policy issues and to promote research relevant to doping control internationally.

To liaise as appropriate with external bodies.


The EHSLC consists of various working parties who each discuss issues relating to their particular expertise within the regulatory framework. The working party organisation varies from time to time to respond to specific issues that may be current or smaller sub – committees are formed. These groups report to the Directors of EHSLC. The member racing authorities each appoint one Director to the company board, which elects its chairman from amongst these Directors

Working Party

Consists of representatives from the national laboratory carrying out regulatory work for each of the member countries.Their remit is to review techniques, determine analytical methods and work towards harmonisation of the whole process of sample collection and analysis.

Welfare Working Party (WWP)

Consists largely of veterinary representatives from the member countries, chaired by an administrator, to discuss aspects of welfare relating to anti-doping and medication control, biosecurity, vaccination and horse movement.

Working Party

Includes the Chief Veterinary Officer from each member country and, possibly, other regulatory veterinarians. They primarily concentrate on veterinary and welfare matters within regulation and also determine priorities for drug studies which are conducted by them.

Scientific Advisory Group (SAG)

This is a small group comprising a suitably experienced analyst, a suitably experienced veterinarian and a specialist pharmacologist one of whom is designated as a Chair. The role of the group is to review and comment on the scientific work being undertaken by the EHSLC, either at the planning or reporting stages of studies or projects. Administration studies that have been overseen by the SAG are recorded in the Administration Studies Reviewed by SAG list.

Working Party

Amalgamation of the two working parties shown above with the addition of pharmacologists in an advisory capacity. This working party reviews all data generated from administration studies with a view to publishing Detection Time information for vets and trainers in the industry. They make recommendations to the Main Meeting.

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