The EHSLC consists of various working parties who each discuss issues relating to their particular expertise within the regulatory framework. The working party organisation varies from time to time to respond to specific issues that may be current or smaller sub – committees are formed.
Analysts Working Party (AWP) consists of representatives from the national laboratory carrying out regulatory work for each of the member countries.
Their remit is to review techniques, determine analytical methods and work towards harmonisation of the whole process of sample collection and analysis.
CVO Working Party (CVO WP) includes the Chief Veterinary Officer from each member country and, possibly, other regulatory veterinarians. They primarily concentrate on veterinary and welfare matters within regulation and also determine priorities for drug studies which are conducted by them.
Combined Working Party (CWP) is an amalgamation of the two working parties shown above with the addition of pharmacologists in an advisory capacity. This working party reviews all data generated from administration studies with a view to publishing Detection Time information for vets and trainers in the industry. They make recommendations to the Main Meeting.
These groups report to the Directors of EHSLC. The member racing authorities each appoint one Director to the company board, which elects its chairman from amongst these Directors