EHSLC Main Meeting
About the meeting:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec viverra ante. In id consequat nisi. Nulla vehicula, risus ut egestas bibendum, lectus est volutpat dolor, nec finibus elit leo a metus. Proin placerat risus quam, at blandit orci consectetur non. Morbi id sollicitudin dolor. Donec mollis molestie feugiat. Phasellus sit amet egestas leo. Vivamus non leo id nunc ullamcorper congue id tincidunt tortor. Ut eu odio ac odio dictum vulputate ac id arcu. Aenean sed tellus a nulla ullamcorper tristique a in nunc.
The meeting will take place at the France Galop offices at 46, place Abel Gance – 92100 Boulogne Billancourt which is within easy walking distance of the Mercure Hôtel.
Mercure Hôtel, 37 place René Clair 92100 Boulogne Billancourt
Tel: +33 8/25804747
Rates are €190 per single room or €200 per double per night (+ VAT €2.20 per person per night) inclusive of breakfast.
How to book
Please download this form and return completed to Carol Clarkson By Friday 27 January 2017
Credit card details will be take by phone once booking form is received